Self-discovery is the journey in our being; it’s an ongoing journey that requires courage, openness, and deep thinking; I am grateful that God guides me on this with a mysterious kindness by opening doors and equipping me with tools to sense opportunities.


Looking at 2020, as a blessing with a massive number of lessons, shifts the reception of 2021 to another level, into an optimistic and opportunistic mindset.

Before starting the year and getting back to your routine, I encourage you to give yourself the time to reflect on your being, goals, trajectory to continue your life with ease and contentment.


And, I am glad to start with myself by sharing some of the 2020 lessons:

• Trust God everything happens for you, not to you. The journey may come hard; you may question your values, actions, and feelings; this is part of it, trust God through your intuition.

• There will be self-doubts, fear, and anxiety as they are life’s conditions; embrace all your states, reflect and learn from them.

• Dare to question and be curious about everything, seek God’s support, and you will find the answers.

• Reclaim your heart and de-attach yourself from results, situations, people.

• Consult & Consult & Consult; each idea counts and enlighten.

• Expectations are the recipe for misery; for a contented life, expect less from everyone and everything.

• You are whole the way you are; others, things, events support our being, but we are complete without them.

• You are connected with everything around you; send whatever resonates with your hopes and goals to receive them.

• Live a life of service, empathy, love, and kindness; it is easier and more peaceful.

• Explore your Autonomic Nervous System Responses and intuition; you will be amazed after mastering them.

• Mentors and science-based cognitive tools help in self-discovery and personal development; make sure to integrate them into your life.

And, to leave you with effective tools, i.e., videos, articles, interactive training, and technology to start with, check out the following:

• Heart Math institute ‘Global Coherence Initiative.’

• Dr. Waleed Fetehi ‘WaMahyaya Show.’

• Eckhart Tolle ‘ Awaken to a life of purpose and presence.’

• Dr. Yazan Hijazi ‘Emergenetics.’

• Dr. Laura Huge ‘Edge: Turning adversity into advantage.’

• Dr. Laura Huge ‘Edge: Turning adversity into advantage.’

My best wishes to you for amazing years to come that are full of peace of mind and abundance on all fronts
