Our Story

Who we are !

We are a passionate purpose-driven team that is seeking to break the mold of humans’ wellbeing mystery by extracting actionable insights from humans’ vital signs, thoughts, perceptions, writings, and feelings.

We love to touch others’ lives and leave a genuine impact. Thanks to the diverse team of expertise from electrical engineering, psychology, business development to internal medicine, who strive to accomplish our aim 🙂

Larimar Technology is based on multidisciplinary scientific research that is validated by experiments. The story began in 2011 as the founder’s master thesis where more than 130 scientific papers are studied and summarized to build the artificial intelligence engine that defines emotions based on physiological variables like heart rate, heart rate variability, skin conductance levels, and others.

During Larimar’s course of development, a database of real physiological variables is collected using our emotion induction lab. However, such an approach was complex and time-consuming, so we have included another approach of emotion detection to speed up the process that is natural language processing using a cushy engaging app journey with the ability to integrate it with existing smart wearables.

Larimar’s founder Ms. Abeer Albashiti has worked as a coach where she trained more than 500 participants to boost their productivity, performance, and resilience relying on the concepts of emotional intelligence and emotional awareness, breaking mental referencing among others.

After finding and testing the impact of knowing our emotions and fostering ease despite the situation, Ms. Abeer decided to share what she has learned and validated on a larger scale by founding Larimar as a business with a social cause and impact in late 2017, with a focus on boosting humans’ wellbeing.

During this lovely journey, five papers and a book are published in highly indexed journals in addition to submitting two provisional patents and trade secrets.

Our uniqueness

Our secret sauce is the human-centric experience that we are designing with love and care, it is based on scientific research, users’ interaction and feedback, and the team expertise in teaching, coaching, social working, and effective knowledge capturing from reading valued books and articles to watching videos and gaining certificates in personal growth.

These sources support our knowledge base with an agile approach of reflection on stress, poor culture, and fear impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. Moreover, we provide users with juicy interfaces that illustrate the influence of love, kindness, and civil constructive mindset and culture for individuals, communities, and the globe.

Join our cause

Spreading positive vibes, hope, care, and love is the first step for fostering wellbeing, you can do so for yourself and others by activating gratitude. 

Start now, and you will see the fruitful results, abundance, and peace of mind come across your life. 

Larimar’s wellbeing quiz and the provided transformational materials form the baseline tool for this cause, so, benefit from it, and let’s spread the cause 😉

The full journey will be launched soon, we are trying our best to provide it in this time of chaos and uncertainty due to COVID-19.     

For more information about the science behind Larimar’s technology or any other inquiry, you can check the founder’s LinkedIn and Research Gate pages or contact the team via email:




11855, KHBP Amam, Jordan

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